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Schedule Your Complimentary Virtual Meetup

In Just 30 Minutes, You'll Have Answers To Your Writing Questions & A Plan To Develop Your Work-In-Progress

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Creative Support Can Change The Game

Few things bring joy to writers like an afternoon coffee date with other literary friends. And that's the exact vibe we want to build with our virtual meetups: an intimate discussion of creativity & language.

You can even BYOC—bring your own coffee.

You'll get a 30 minute sit-down on Zoom with Kori Frazier Morgan, chief literary strategist, to discuss...

  • Your goals as a writer

  • Your current project (& problems you're running into)

  • ​Burning questions about writing

  • Creating memorable characters

  • Figurative language & description

  • Writing about your own life

  • Beating writer's block

...& anything else you can come up with.

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Why Does Writing Community Matter?

FACT: Taking On A Major Creative Project Without Support Makes You More Likely To Quit.

Especially in a time when many creative people are feeling stressed, isolated, & doubtful of the impact their stories can have, connecting with a support system is even more vital.

If you want to tell a story that is deeply important to you, you need someone to walk with you, provide constructive criticism, & help motivate you to create.

 Whether you're interested in editing, getting guidance on where to take your story, or don't know what to do with your writing, a Virtual Meetup is a great place to start. 

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What Can I Expect From A Virtual Meetup?

Engage In Dialogue

We'll talk about your book, your process, what has gone well & what your biggest challenges are so you can have an idea of where your project currently stands.

Get Answers

Got burning questions about building a story? We'll address them & give you answers so you can better understand the writing process & improve your skills.

Brainstorm Ideas

Together, we'll come up with ideas to address challenges like time management, creative block & story structure so you can be energized about your story.

Make An Action Plan

We'll create an action plan for next steps in developing your project so you can confidently move forward & create a powerful story you're passionate about.

How Does It Work?


Click the button below to visit Kori's personal calendar & grab a time that fits your schedule. If you don't see a time that works, email & we'll accommodate your needs.


Once you've scheduled, you'll receive an email notification containing your personal Zoom link for the meeting. If you are lucky enough to have not yet used Zoom, make sure you create an account & familiarize yourself with it ahead of time.


You'll receive an email reminder about your meeting as well as a text notification. When the time arrives, log in to Zoom & click the link in your email confirmation.

Best Of All? It's On Us.

So Grab Some Time, Pull Up A Chair, & Let's Get Started.

© 2021 Bezalel Media LLC. All Rights Reserved.

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