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Why a Short Story/Essay Mentorship Makes a Great Gift

One thing that’s important to me as the Chief Literary Strategies at Inkling Creative Strategies is that I offer services for everyone at all stages of the writing process.

If you’re interested in getting serious about writing and need some tools to get started, I offer free downloadable resources to help.

If you have a completed project and want to know what to do with it next, I’ll give it a read, write a critique, and give you some pointers about what it needs.

If you’re ready to publish, I’ll do your typesetting and even help you set up a Kindle account if that’s your thing.

But not all authors are interested in writing a book. Some people just want to start small.

And that’s why I offer the Short Story/Essay Mentorship service.

What’s a Short Story/ Essay Mentorship?

In this service, an author and I meet for six weeks to develop a single piece of fiction or nonfiction. The objective is to have a finished essay or story by the end of that time.

If that sounds intimidating, don’t worry. First of all, no piece of writing is ever “done.” “Finished” with this service means that all the elements are in place and ready for you to either keep doing further revisions on your own or with writing friends or to submit to literary journals and online publications (I can give guidance on that, too).

As part of this service, you’ll go through three drafts of the piece, each followed by a Zoom call where we’ll talk through your questions and revisions and brainstorm possible directions for the work.

Best of all, you’ll get personalized guidance on your writing. No fumbling around wondering if you’re making your story better or worse or whether you’re on the right track. No wasted time, or worse, giving up on the piece before you can make it great.

Still not convinced? Here are three reasons why a mentorship makes a great holiday gift!

It’s an Experience, Not an Object

I’ve been encouraged this year to see that many people I know are choosing to give experiences as presents instead of physical gifts. I’ve heard about them buying their loved ones memberships to theatres and museums, opportunities to take music and crafting lessons, and planning trips.

The awesome thing about experiences is that they don’t clutter up your house. They don’t have a momentary value that gradually dissipates as time passes and the holidays’ glitter fades.

You get to make real memories, learn skills, and do things that will shape you as a human being.

If you have a friend or family member who is interested in writing or already is writing quite a bit, this program can give them the chance to level up their skills and create something they’ll be proud of.

Reaching your full creative potential is a process where each new experience builds onto what comes before it. Any writer who is serious about getting better at their craft will appreciate the chance to work with a professional and make something meaningful.

With Inkling, It’s Affordable

The pricing for hiring a writing coach can get super crazy. Some authors charge as much as $200 an hour, while monthly rates can run anywhere from $400 to $2,700.

I’m not saying these companies are trying to milk writers dry. Many of them are highly skilled coaches with years of experience, which is the primary factor many mentors consider when establishing pricing.

But my primary mission is to help as many authors as possible to reach their full creative potential so they can impact and inspire readers, and that’s not going to happen if someone can’t even get the help they need to write a story or essay without paying hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

The Short Story or Essay Mentorship is one of the most affordable services I offer for writers who just want to get their feet in the door.

It Makes the Writing Process Less Lonely

Look, I know writers are supposed to be blissfully typing away in an ivory tower somewhere, but whoever came up with that concept obviously never wrote a word in their life.

It’s just not like that. There’s a lot of frustration, distraction, resistance, confusion, and loneliness involved. Honestly, there are a lot of days where the last thing I want to do is sit down and write.

Like, I’ve cleaned my cats’ litter box instead of writing.

Bringing another person on board, though, particularly someone who has been through all the creative obstacles multiple times, lessens that negativity. It gives inspiration and accountability.

One encounter with a great writing teacher can make a lifetime of impact on a creative person. And I’ve had some great ones.

Connecting one-on-one with someone who is not only great at what they do but wants to see you become their equal and perhaps even surpass them is a life-changing experience, especially for a new writer.

I frequently email with my favorite professor from my Master of Fine Arts in fiction writing program. Last year, we even traded and autographed copies of our most recent books for each other. You can’t put a price on that.

And speaking of pricing . . .

How Much Does a Mentorship Cost?

Right now, I’m revising my pricing for 2023. On January 1, the costs for a mentorship go up to $300. But if you sign up now, you can get in at my 2022 pricing of $250.

That means you or a friend/family member get:

· Three rounds of revision on a story or essay

· Three Zoom calls to talk about the piece

· Personalized critiques and brainstorm

· Advice on publishing

Like I said earlier, services like this can run upwards of thousands of dollars . . . but I want to make this as easy and accessible to as many writers as possible.

If this sounds like a great gift for yourself or a writer you care about, click here to find out all the details and schedule a Discovery Call to talk about signing up!

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